COSMIC October Newsletter

This is a shortened version of our non-member newsletter. If you would like the complete newsletter in the future, sign up here. If you are interested in full access to COSMIC news and programming, find out how to join here.

Upcoming COSMIC Programming  

Featured: December 4th COSMIC Virtual Convergence 

During this COSMIC general membership meeting, we will be showcasing COSMIC members’ 2024 accomplishments, collaboration, and product development. The meeting will serve as the first opportunity for members to weigh in on COSMIC’s ISAM goals for 2025. Presenters will include Jill McGuire, Associate Director for the Exploration and In-Space Services (ExIS) Projects Division, Ghonhee Lee, Founder and CEO of Katalyst Space Technologies, and Seetha Raghavan, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies of the College of Engineering at Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University.  

Membership is required to register. You can find out more about the meeting here.  

October 16th, 1pm ET: Research & Technology Community Briefing  

The October RT featured briefings will be: “Introduction to ROS-M Registry,” by Tim Thomas, Department Manager; “RAS-G Interoperability Profile (IOP),” by Paul Bounker, Robotic and Autonomous Software & Commonality (RASC) Chief Engineer; “The Army’s Robotic Common Software Library and Architecture,” by Ashley Johnson, Division Chief Robotic Autonomy & Architecture; and “GVSC’s WMI Overview,” by Jillyn Alban, Safety and Critical Control Division (SC2) Division Chief 

October 23rd, 1pm ET: Missions & Ecosystems Community Briefing  

The October ME featured briefings will be “Mathematical Modeling and Optimization For Space Logistics,” by Koki Ho of Georgia Institute of Technology; “ARMADAS Project,” by Christine Gregg of NASA Ames; and “Value of Robotic-Based Assembly Use Cases,” by Meera Day Towler of SwRI 

October 24th, 2pm ET: Demonstration Infrastructure Working Group Meeting  

The October DI featured guest will be David Mark of Northrop Grumman Space Logistics and will also discuss progress on COSMIC DI products. 


From COSMIC: NASA Opportunity Regarding Active Cooling Using Cryocoolers 

COSMIC Members NASA and Starfish Space in Payload: NASA, Starfish Partner on SSPICY Debris Inspection 

COSMIC Member Argo Space in TechCrunch: Argo Space’s plan to power orbital tugs with moon water pulls in $7.9M 

COSMIC Member ThinkOrbital in Space Daily: Space-made aluminium weld analyzed at ESA lab 

Upcoming ISAM Conference Sessions and Panels 

Maine Space Conference – October 23rd-25th  

COSMIC Executive Director Greg Richardson will deliver a keynote address to the Maine Space Conference, exploring opportunities for industry stakeholders to engage with the Maine and national space ecosystems. Find out more at Maine Space 2030

DSAIC Webinar – November 13th  

Join DSAIC and COSMIC Demonstration Infrastructure Leader Shannon Zirbel for the webinar entitled In-Space Developmental Test Persistent Platform at the U.S. Space Force. This panel will focus on the architecture, requirements, and operational concepts of the USSF iSDT. The discussion will include potential test candidates, XST modeling, a sample test plan, and a tentative launch schedule. Click on the link to find out more and register for the DSAIC webinar here

CONFERS Conference – November 13th and 14th  

Hear from and meet numerous COSMIC members who will be attending the CONFERS 7th Annual Global Satellite Servicing Forum & Exhibition. COSMIC leaders Jill McGuire and Max Spolaor will be among the presenters. Find out more and get your tickets at