C3: COSMIC Capstone Challenge
Design a payload that will demonstrate manufacturing In-space
Register Now
Registration has closed for the 2024-25 school year. Registration for the 2025-26 will be announced soon.
Download the C3 Information Packet
Download the C3 Logo Design Creative Brief
C3: Background
The COSMIC Capstone Challenge (C3) is a competition to design a payload, to be hosted about the BCT X-Sat Venus Class bus, that will demonstrate a chain of 3 or more operations that provide an on-orbit, autonomous ISAM capability. Successful projects will engage in the early design work necessary for a complex ISAM mission that could be ready for launch by the end of the decade.
As a Conceptual Design Challenge, C3 invites students to explore the concepts that are the starting point for ambitious orbital missions.
While C3 has recommended milestones, including a Midpoint Showcase in December 2024, the deliverables are the final outbrief (required) and technical paper (recommended) during the April 2025 at the C3 Final Showcase, on which the judge’s scores will be based.
Presentations will be virtual with an in-person option at The Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, California and potentially other sponsor locations.

Image credit: Shasta High School Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Program
Want to be a Mentor?
Experienced professionals — we need you! Become a C3 mentor, judge, or sponsor and inspire the next generation of ISAM leaders. If you are not a COSMIC Member,
join COSMIC to participate in C3.
Inspire the next generation of engineers, scientists, artists, and other visionaries to engage in, and contribute to ISAM challenges, create new methods, and grow our future workforce.
Innovate within C3 and beyond. Mentors could continue design development of promising concepts post-competition, either by providing funding or through internal efforts.
Connect with fellow ISAM professionals in COSMIC serving as C3 judges, mentors, and sponsors. Identify future job candidates that will develop interest and expertise in ISAM.
Ready to take your next step?
Register Now

A prototype surface lander robot, assembled by Shasta High Students.
Image credit: Shasta High School Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Program
C3: The Path for Students
Form Your Team
C3 is open to US-based high school and college students. In addition to class-based teams, students can pursue C3 through student clubs, directed study or independent study.
Register Early
As C3 aligns with semester-based capstone classes, interested institutions are encouraged to register their interest before Fall 2024 classes begin. Teams are encouraged to sign up by September 6 and must sign up before registration closes in mid-October.
Meet Your Mentor
Soon after registering, COSMIC will assign an industry or government mentor from the ISAM community to provide guidance to students through weekly meetings, helping teams to identify problems and determine solutions.
C3: Timeline
- 01 July 2024
C3 Launches - 06 September 2024
Early Registration Closes - 14 October 2024
Late Registration Closes - Early December 2024
Optional Mid-Point Showcase - Mid April 2025
C3 Final Showcase

Image credit: Shasta High School Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Program