
ISAM Community Documents

ISAM National Strategy (April 2022)

“This National Strategy outlines how the United States will support and stimulate the United States Government (USG), academic, and commercial ISAM capability development. It provides strategic goals to advance ISAM capability development discussed in the United States Space Priorities Framework. The next step following the strategy is to develop USG implementation action plans to fulfill the goals.”

National Orbital Debris Implementation (July 2022)

“This Orbital Debris Implementation Plan provides tangible actions the United States will pursue to address the hazards posed by orbital debris…. This Implementation Plan accomplishes objectives outlined in the U.S. Space Priorities Framework. This Implementation Plan also builds upon the National Orbital Debris Research and Development (R&D) Plan published in 2021.”

National Cislunar Strategy (November 2022)

“The National Cislunar Science & Technology Strategy provides a vision and the first science and technology objectives for realizing U.S. leadership in Cislunar space, including the Moon. Fostering scientific discovery, economic development, and international cooperation are essential to sustaining this leadership.”

National ISAM Implementation Plan (December 2022)

“The ISAM Implementation Plan implements the strategic vision established in the April 2022 ISAM National Strategy… Achieving the strategic goals requires U.S. leadership and successful engagement and coordination with industry, non-profit organizations, academia, and the international community. Each of the National ISAM strategic goals is broken down into objectives to organize 28 discrete ISAM implementation activities that Federal departments and agencies will undertake to advance the ISAM National Strategy.”

COSMIC Resources

COSMIC Engagement Session (August 3, 2023)

A virtual engagement session was held to share more about COSMIC and solicit feedback regarding consortium operations and outcomes needed to meet the U.S. ISAM community’s needs.

Topics included:

  • COSMIC Overview
  • Consortium Governance, Leadership, and Operations
  • Caucuses and Focus Areas
  • Community Building and Potential Products

Full video presentation and additional resources are now available.

COSMIC Postcard (Front)

COSMIC Postcard (Back)