Joshua T.S. Cahill

Deputy Director, Lunar Surface
Innovation Consortium (LSIC)
The John Hopkins Univ.
Applied Physics Laboratory (APL)
Dr. Joshua Cahill is the Deputy Director of the Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC), Principal Professional Staff Scientist within the Moon and Rocky Bodies Group, within which he is Section Supervisor for the Terrestrial Planet Formation and Evolution section at the Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Laboratory (APL).
He is a multi-disciplinary planetary geologist with experience in the fields of lunar and terrestrial spectroscopy and radar remote sensing, geochemistry, and petrology. He is a Co-Investigator on NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission supporting both the Mini-RF synthetic aperture radar and the Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) instrument payloads.
For these instruments, he has supported various aspects of lunar surface observation targeting, calibration, mapping, and scientific analysis over the last ~13 years. This includes utilizing Mini-RF observations to create some of the first global mapping perspectives of the Moon in S-band radar.
Cahill is also a Co-Investigator on NASA’s Lunar Vertex, the first mission to visit the magnetic anomaly and lunar swirl, Reiner Gamma. He is also the Instrument Scientist and a Co-Investigator for the LAFORGE thermal infrared radiometer instrument, a NASA contribution, to be manifest within the Canadian Space Agency’s (CSA) Lunar Rover Mission headed to the South Pole of the Moon.